The App to End All Wars

The App To End All Wars

The world has suffered at the hands of war long enough. To stop it, we must first erase the vision of war; then, the practice of war will forever be banished into the dark annals of history.

How do you erase the vision of war? Well, that’s exactly what we asked ourselves before we came up with Peacer!

Peacer is a new social app that lets you create your own image of a world without war and share it with your friends. You can draw or paint from scratch or use our user friendly photo I-magination Editor to add color, texture, light, lines, and other design elements to your photos.

On Peacer, your imagination is our most valuable capital. It is the engine that drives the Peace Bus from town to town, city to city and country to country. Our growing community of “Peacers” are sharing their amazing images across continents and cultures, showing visions of a world without wars.

Our goal in the next six months is to reach one million unique monthly visions of a world without wars. What’s possible is limited only by your imagination. Help us reach our goal!

Download Peacer’s mobile app for Apple or Android.


Sign up now to use Peacer on your desktop!


The Peacer Team

About Jacob Nehman

Jacob Nehman is an experienced messaging consultant and marketing copywriter in the startup industry. He has developed content for numerous B2B and B2C brands selling a wide variety of products and solutions for mobile and Web. He has also consulted startups on user experience and product development. Jacob is originally from Austin, Texas and currently resides in Tel Aviv.
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